Users, Permissions, Roles #
Users #
Users are the staff who have access to the Agent Interface of Groupdesk.
Looking for info on how to add a user?
Users (staff with access to the Agent Interface) who want to test a booking should use an alias email for testing and not their ‘real’ email.
ie: Use & not
Using your ‘real’ email will cause your login to break because Groupdesk will think you are a traveler who should not have login abilities on the Agent Interface. An error message will appear if a User attempts to input their email into the Traveller interface without using an alias email.
Please note that Alias emails will only work with some email providers (like Gmail) and is not supported by other email providers.
You can add a user photo by following these steps:
Open the desired Contact Record (or User record)
With the Documents module open, click Add
Select the photo you want to Upload by clicking Choose File or select an Existing Document/Photo
Define the following fields:
Document Type: Image
Document Status: Active
Document Category: Catalog Image
Image Type: User photo
Click Add
(You may need to refresh your page in order to see the newly created document.)
Image Types Supported for User Photos are: JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF
Permissions control the access your roles have on the Agent Interface. The ‘Eye’ enabled means they are able to view the details of this category. The ‘Pen’ enabled means they are able to edit everything to do with this record type or area. If you change the view/edit ability on this page, it affects all users who hold that role.
Most of our clients prefer to give ‘view’ access to all users but limit the editing access.
Roles determine the level of permission for your users.