Have your marketing team email support@groupdesk.io with the following files:
All files should be optimized and saved for web.
Your full color logo in horizontal JPG format – 175px (wide) 60px (height)
Your full color logo in horizontal SVG format – 175px (wide) 60px (height)
Your preferred ‘Verified Seal’ design for the Trip Page in SVG format 300px (wide) 300px(height)
apple-touch-icon.png (64×64)
favicon.ico (60×60)
Coming soon Buttons may be styled per brand using the Custom Fields on a brand record:
background:#XXXXXX; color:#XXX; padding:??px ??px; text-decoration:none; border-radius:3px; font-size:16px; line-height:18px; display:inline-block; margin:10px 0;
[More Details Coming Soon}
Aka: Custom notifications + links in MyProfile – Must be for all trips on your domain.