Quotes #
How to Create a Quote Record #
Open the Submit Quote Link
Complete the required fields
Click Submit (This will redirect you to your newly created Profile where you can view your quote and make any necessary changes)
Required Fields when creating a Quote Record through the Traveller Interface are:
Trip Name (Quote Name)
First and Last name (this will be used to create a new contact in Groupdesk)
Email address
Departure City
Departure Date
Return Date
Must include at least 1 Traveler
Brand Record (must be added by a Groupdesk user in the Agent Interface after the quote’s creation)
Quote Requestor’s are required to enter their First & Last name, email address and password so that the system will create a new contact record in the Groupdesk Agent Interface. This will allow Quote Requestors to have a secure and private place to view their Quote, submit any necessary changes and make secure payments.
Through the Agent Interface #
Click the [+] menu button on the top right corner of the Groupdesk Home page
Select Quote
Complete all the required fields and click
Required Fields for a Quote Record created through the Agent Interface are:
Departure/Arrival Gateways
Departure and Return Date
Quantity of Travellers
A Quote record must have an association to a Brand Record in Order to process any payments.
Accessing Quotes on MyProfile #
Quote requestors can view, make changes and payments to their quotes through MyProfile. When submitting a quote, requestors will be required to enter their Name, email and password. This information will create a contact record in the Groupdesk Agent Interface and will allow them to securely access their quote through MyProfile.
To View a Quote on MyProfile: #
Quote Requestors can view their quote by logging into the Traveller Interface using their email and password they provided when submitting their quote.
Quotes will appear on the left side of MyProfile under the Quotes section which is located below their personal information and any trips (if applicable).
Using the tabs under the Quote name, quote requestors can: Review their quote, approve and make payments, and request any changes to their quotes.
Quote Records in Agent Interface #
When a quote requestor submits a request for a quote, a new Quote record will be created in the Agent Interface. Agents will be notified of a new quote submission via Email.
Once a quote has been submitted a Groupdesk user will have to manually add a Brand record to the quote, along with the other quote details such as quantity, type and price. A Brand record is necessary for payments to be processed in the Traveller Interface because it creates the relationship to a Stripe account.
When a transaction is processed on a quote, an email will be sent to the Groupdesk Agent. When changes to an existing quote are submitted through the Traveller Interface, the agent will receive an email notification regarding the changes.
Creating a Transaction on a Quote #
There are 2 ways to create a transaction on a quote record.
By adding a manual transaction to a quote (transactions can only be created on the payments module of the quote record, not by using the + button.)
Open the appropriate quote record
With the Payments module open, click Add Transaction
Complete the required fields:
Transaction Date (the date the transaction is processed)
Cleared – Transaction has processed successfully
Not Received – Transaction has not processed successfully
Pending – Transaction has not yet processed
This status is used for Refunds and Extra Refunds when the are to be processed through your payment account (ie a refund to a Credit Card)
Payment – quote transactions should only have the type payment
Form of Payment
Cheque Identifier – Can be used to enter cheque number for tracking purposes
Credit Card
Money Order
Visa Debit
Amounts should always be positive numbers, except for in Refunds and Extra Refunds
Click Create
Only one transaction can exist on a quote record. In the Agent Interface, the
Add Transaction
button will disappear once a transaction has been added and Requestors will not be able to access the Payment page once a transaction exists.