

You’re only a few steps away from getting set up with Groupdesk!
Time for us to learn more about you!
  1. Step 1: Discover<- Start Here

  2. Step 2: Customize

  3. Step 3: Deliver

  4. Step 4: Deploy GO LIVE

  5. Step 5: Maintain

Your to-do’s should be completed in accordance with the Implementation Project Plan timelines agreed upon by you and your Groupdesk contact.

Ask your Groupdesk contact any and all questions you have during this process!

Groupdesk Implementation Process – Overview

Step 1: Discover #

Help us understand your company

TOTAL Estimated time to prepare: 2 Hours TOTAL Estimated time to complete: 12 mins

Step 1.1: Discover Questionnaire #

Estimated time to prepare: 30 mins Estimated time to complete: 2 mins

A) About You:
  1. Company Name

  2. Website

  3. Main Type of Travel

  4. Office Locations

  5. Typical Working Hours & Timezone

  6. Language

  7. Typical Launches

  8. Trip Season

  9. Average number of bookings per year

  10. Complete a Letter of Intent

  11. Sign a 2-Way NDA

  12. Current Pain Points

  13. Discuss Goals

B) Your Tools:
  1. What are you currently using to manage Group travel?

  2. What tool(s) do you currently use to manage emails?

  3. What tool(s) do you currently use to manage customer service?

  4. What tool(s) do you use to track sales?

  5. What other tool(s) do you use?

This step is often already completed by the Groupdesk Team when we are learning about your company. Unsure if this is still needed? If you have your Groupdesk Project Plan shared with you then you don’t need to worry about this page.

When you are ready to submit your answers, you may click to begin the link to the Discover Questionnaire here.

STEP 1.2: Fast Track Questionnaire #

Get on Groupdesk faster by submitting this survey:

Estimated time to prepare: 1.5 hours Estimated time to complete: 10 mins

Here is a list of the survey questions to help you prepare:
A) Contact Details:
  1. What is your public company phone number?

  2. What is your customer service email?

  3. What is the url for your website FAQ’s or knowledge base?

  4. What is the url for your contact information?

  5. What is the url for your T&C’s?

  6. What is your rooming/operations email?

  7. What is your Instagram URL?

  8. What is your Facebook URL?

  9. What is your Twitter URL?

B) Operational Details:
  1. Is your company owned by another brand/corporation?

  2. We’d like our Group Organizers to be able to:

    1. Be selected by travelers as their referral

    2. Easily share the trip with their friends/family/community

    3. See travelers who have signed up for their trip

    4. Submit leads who might be interested in the trip

  3. We want traveler payments to default to:

    1. Automatic payments (travelers can opt out after booking)

    2. Manual payments (travelers must manually pay each payment after booking)

    3. I’m not sure at the moment, I need more info

  4. Which taxes/fees are unique to your trips or where you sell?

  5. What governing bodies help dictate your standard of service (ie: IATA, ACTRA, )

  6. Do you have an insurance provider?

  7. Which insurance provider(s) do you use?

  8. When are you hoping to launch your first trip on Groupdesk?

When you are ready to submit your answers, you may click to begin the link to the Fast Track Questionnaire here.
Post Survey Call:

Groupdesk will contact you to schedule a follow up meeting after you have submitted your answers.

If at any point you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to your Groupdesk contact, or submit a question on Intercom (bottom right).

Step 2: Customize #

Share details on your Branded Language, Visual Branding, Payments, and Booking Flow Needs
There are 4 Customize Questionnaires to Complete

TOTAL Estimated time to prepare: 3 Hours 15 minutes TOTAL Estimated time to complete: 17 mins

Customize Branded Language Questionnaire
This questionnaire tell us about your branded language. Please provide equivalents to the following phrases/terms/questions:

Estimated time to prepare: 1 hour Estimated time to complete: 5 mins

Here is a list of the questions to help you prepare:
  1. What do travelers call your Sales Staff? ie: The external name for your Internal Sales Staff: Travel Agent, Trip Planner, Sales Agent

  2. What do you call the people who organize your trips? ie: This is typically a traveler or someone outside of your Organization who is in charge of spreading the word and getting people signed up: Reps, Ambassadors, Organizer, School Leader

  3. What do you call the discount given to the people who organize your trips? ie: Organizer Discount, Rep Incentive, Ambassador Reward

  4. What do you call the list of leads your organizers give you? ie: RSVP List, Invite List, Interest List

  5. What do you call onsite staff? ie: Staff helping your travelers onsite often have a different team name than other staff: Crew, Team Members, Staff, Destination Team

  6. What do you call your Customer Service Team? ie: Staff providing customer service to your travelers at many touchpoints?: Customer Service, Client Experience Team, Help Desk

  7. Do you have a tagline? ie: Find your #TripofaLifetime, Rainbow Tours last a Lifetime!

  8. What do you call the included items on your trips? ie: Included Add Ons, Freebies, Inclusives

  9. What do you call the optional items for purchase? ie: Excursions, Add Ons, Exclusives

  10. Do you have a Code of Conduct? If yes, what do you call it? ie: Code of Conduct, The Code, Behavior Agreement, etc…

  11. Your Trip Page has an area to add a ‘stamp of approval’, ‘tagline’, or other ‘satisfaction’ copy. What would you like this area to say? You’ll need a Title and a bit of copy. ie: In the image below this is the Happy Traveler Verified” section. Please create some copy that will go in this place. It can be ‘stamp’ copy, ‘tagline’ copy, ‘Why Travel With Us’ copy, or anything that makes sense.

STEP 2.1: Branded language Questionnaire  #

When you are ready to submit your answers, you may click to begin the link to the Branded Language Questionnaire here.
Customize Visual Branding Questionnaire
This questionnaire tells us about your company ‘look’

Estimated time to prepare: 1 hour Estimated time to complete: 5 mins

Here is a list of the questions to help you prepare:
  1. We want our internal URL to be: ie: company.groupdesk.io

  2. We want our external URL to be: ie: my.eurotrips.com, go.worldtraveler.org, travel.globiz.au

  3. What font do you use for your digital presence?

  4. Colours:

    1. Primary

    2. Secondary

    3. Other

  5. Have you submitted your logos to support@groupdesk.io

STEP 2.2: Visual Branding Questionnaire  #

When you are ready to submit your answers, you may click to begin the link to the Visual Branding Questionnaire here.
Customize Payments Questionnaire
This questionnaire tells us basic details about your accepted payments. Please check with your finance/Stripe team to confirm these.

Estimated time to prepare: 15 mins Estimated time to complete: 2 mins

Here is a list of the questions to help you prepare:
  1. How many Stripe accounts do you use?

  2. Which Currency’s do you accept?

    1. CAD

    2. USD

    3. Other

  3. Which forms of payment do you accept?Visa

    1. Visa Debit

    2. American Express

    3. Mastercard

    4. Discover

    5. Diners Club

    6. Cash

    7. Cheque

    8. Money Order

    9. Gift Card

    10. Other

STEP 2.3: Payments Questionnaire  #

When you are ready to submit your answers, you may click to begin the link to the Payments Questionnaire here.
Booking Flow Questionnaire
This questionnaire tells us what your OBE (Online Booking Engine aka Shopping Cart aka Booking Flow) should contain. Traveler Information, Account Info, and Payment is mandatory.

We recommend reducing the number of items you have on the booking flow to encourage the ease and speed of travelers bookings.

Estimated time to prepare: 1 hour Estimated time to complete: 1 min

Here is a list of options to help you prepare:
  1. Which Optional Sections of the OBE would you like ENABLED for your traveler booking experience?

    1. Traveler Section:

      1. Emergency Contact

      2. Student Number

      3. Passport Info

    2. Rooming:

      1. Choose/Upgrade Room Type

      2. Choose/Submit Roommates

    3. Insurance

    4. Add Ons

    5. Coupons

STEP 2.4: Booking Flow Questionnaire  #

When you are ready to submit your answers, you may click to begin the link to the Booking Flow Questionnaire here.

If at any point you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to your Groupdesk contact, or submit a question on Intercom (bottom right).

Step 2.5: Customize (Call) #

Some information is too complicated for a survey. We’ll walk you through the rest of the set up requirements
This information gathering call helps us walk you through the remaining set up details

Estimated time to prepare: 2 hours Estimated time to complete: 1 hour

Stripe #

What to prepare:

  1. Your public Stripe key

  2. Your private Stripe key OR

  3. Add your Groupdesk contact as an Admin User on your Stripe account OR

  4. Use Stripe Connect [Coming Soon]

    1. Create an account or login to your existing account

    2. Your Stripe Token will be passed automatically to Groupdesk

Groupdesk does not charge clients to use Stripe. You redeem 100% of your Stripe income and maintain control of your Stripe account.

Mailchimp #

What to prepare:

  1. Your MailChimp key OR

  2. Add your Groupdesk contact as an Admin User on your Mailchimp account

Mandrill #

What to prepare:

  1. Add your Groupdesk contact as an Admin User on your Mailchimp/Mandrill account

Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager #

What to prepare:

  1. Your Google Analytics ID

  2. Your Google Tag Manager ID

  3. Your Chat App Key/ID

Your Domains #

What to prepare:

  1. Create/purchase your domain

  2. Add records to your domain

    1. Verify your domain for our SSL certificate

      1. We will create and provide your SSL Certificate

  3. Get ready to point your domain to a CNAME we will provide

    1. Update your CNAME to the Value we provide

  4. Your DKNS key

You SubDomain #

What to prepare:

  1. Create/purchase your domain

  2. Add records to your domain

    1. Verify your domain for our SSL certificate

      1. We will create and provide your SSL Certificate

  3. Get ready to point your domain to a CNAME we will provide

    1. Update your CNAME to the Value we provide

When updating your CNAME please be careful of the value you are putting into the name input. Some providers (GoDaddy, WIX, Route53, and Namecheap) automatically append the domain to the end of the name value so do not include it.

If the name value you are trying to add is “my.example.com” you only need to add “my” to the name value.

  1. Point your DNA to a value we provide (This may be an A Record / Alias / CNAME)

Your Groupdesk Vault #

If you are using the Groupdesk Vault instead of adding us directly to your accounts:

  1. Groupdesk will create a user account for you

  2. You will receive an email and your username and password

  3. You will update your vault username and password

  4. You will then access your vault and add in your Keys, ID’s, and other details

What to prepare:

  1. Key = Stripe Public Key Value =

  2. Key = Stripe Private/Secret Key Value =

  3. Key = Stripe Sandbox Public Key Value =

  4. Key = Stripe Sandbox Private/Secret Key Value =

  5. Key = Stripe Password Value =

  6. Key = Stripe Token Value =

  7. Key = MailChimp Key Value =

If at any point you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to your Groupdesk contact, or submit a question on Intercom (bottom right).

Step 3: Deliver #

Quick Start Video:
Onboarding Quick Start Video to watch once you have your customized Groupdesk instance.
Groupdesk Champion Training

Your Team’s Superuser(s) will be the first to receive training. They will also lead the success of the Groupdesk adoption within your internal team.

Data Migration

At this point we may execute a Data Migration before going live.

Client Testing Checklist

Now that you have your Groupdesk account up and running we’d like you to walk through a few things to make sure everything is acting as expected. Many of these items will also be reviewed with your team during your Specialized Training.

Agent Interface

  • Create brands, hotels, destination, gateways, inclusions, exclusions, payment schedule

  • Create a brand

  • Create a test trip (or a real trip)

  • Try impersonating a booking

  • Submit a fake bug on Intercom

Traveler Interface

  • Run through a trip page

  • Run through a test booking

  • Run through a My Profile Account

Step 4: Deploy #

Specialized Training:
  • Champion Workshop

  • Lunch & Learn (optional)

  • Customer Service

  • Operations

  • Sales

  • Finance

  • Other

Public Go-Live:
  • Launch

  • Live Groupdesk support during your first launch (optional)

Support Introduction:
  • Get to know our Support Team

  • Specialized Training:

    • Groupdesk Champion request and emergency process

Step 5: Maintain #

    • Who: Your Entire Company
      You + Groupdesk
      • Check In’s (Weekly and/or monthly)

      • Success Reports

      • Ongoing Support

      • Training as Needed for your Groupdesk Champions