Error Messages

Error Messages #

Errors Shown on Groupdesk Pages

Locked Records: #

Error shown on Groupdesk page: User locked 9 of your requested records

What is a locked record: #

A locked record is a record that is in the process of being updated by another user or process. As soon as a record is requested to be updated by a user or process started by Groupdesk the record will lock itself so that if another requests happens before the original request is completed no information will be lost.

Records are only locked for as long as it takes the system to update the record.

If you experience a locked record, refresh your page and attempt your request again.If the lock lasts more than 10 minutes, please notify the Groupdesk Support team though Intercom.

Bad Document Name: #

When you attempt to upload a document with special characters, you may see one of the below error messages. To read more about correctly naming a document.

403: “The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

403: \”The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.\

500: invalid URL escape “%”