If you experience problems with your domain not working, then you might need to contact GoDaddy support.
Grow Your Business – You can ask your Implementation Specialist to help connect your existing domain and let you focus on other important parts of your business.
You can add a CNAME (alias) record to your DNS zone file for a domain registered with GoDaddy. CNAME records use a domain prefix, such as travel.adventure.com to point to another domain name, or URL.
Log in to your GoDaddy account and open your product.
Select your domain name from the list to access the Domain Settings page.
Scroll down to the Additional Settings settings and select Manage DNS.
On the DNS Management page, at the bottom of the Records section, click Add.
Select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
Complete the required fields:
Click Save to complete the process.
Groupdesk will need to verify that you own your URL and that we have permission to send content and data to it. Your Groupdesk Implementation Specialist will provide you with the Records to point your CNAME to. Once ownership and permissions have been verified Groupdesk will provide you with a new Record that will point to your Groupdesk Account.
Help with changing your CNAME with GoDaddy can be found HERE at GoDaddy.