To access the Dashboard page, please use the Navigation Menu on the top right corner of the home screen and select Dashboards. From there, select the Dashboard you wish to access.
This dashboard is used to calculate Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV). To access the GMV dashboard page, please use the Navigation Menu on the top right corner of the home screen and select Dashboards. From there, select the GMV Dashboard.
You can search for GMV by the following fields: Trip Year, Trip Type, Program Period and Trip Code.
Once you have entered your GMV Search parameters, click Go to display the results.
Total Not Booked – available booking spots left
Total Booked – Amount of bookings
Not Used – spots still available for booking
Used – already booked by passengers
Numerical Value of bookings available (Total Available Traveler Spots – Bookings already made)
Total Price
List Price x Quantity of Not Used Traveler Spots = Not UsedTotal Price
Actual Booking Price x Number of Bookings made = Used Total Price
Total Paid
Actual amount paid by bookings
The View This Search and Export buttons at the bottom of the Dashboard are currently not available for use. These features are still being worked on by our Development team and will be available soon.
We have also introduced two new fields on the Trip record to accurately calculate the GMV. The List Price and Total Available Traveler Spots fields can be found in the Overview Module of the Trip record.
List Price = The lowest selling price per traveller on the trip
Total Available Traveler Spots = Maximum number of bookings/spots available to sell on this trip
The sales dashboard is used to show booking stats and sales numbers by days/months.
To access the Sales Dashboard, you:
Click on the hamburger menu on the top right hand side of any page
In the pop up menu that appears on the left, click Dashboards
Select the Sales Dashboard
Search as needed:
You must search by Trip Year, but can also add filters for Trip Type / Trip Planner / Campaign. You can only search by one Filter Type at a time (ie you cannot search for multiple Trip Planners in one search).
Charts show:
Bookings by Statuses or Calculated Statuses (Green)
Active / Cancelled / Default / New Joiner / Overdue / Pending / Unconfirmed / Waitlist / No Show
Traveling / Non-Traveling / Deposit Paid / $0 Paid
Bookings by Trip type (Orange)
Breakdown by Total Bookings / Travelling Bookings / Bookings with Deposit Paid / Bookings with $0 Paid / Cancelled / Leads* on Trip
Leads = all contacts on the Trip that are not Travelers or Organizers, and have not attempted to create a booking using the OBE
Bookings and Leads by Date (Purple)
Campaigns (Grey)
Trips by Type (Red)
Trip Planners (Blue)
To see leads on the Trip record, this search can be entered in the Contacts module search page:
-(trips[associations]:Traveler* OR trips[associations]:Organizer*) AND -(lead_source:”OBE”)
This Dashboard is Coming Soon.
Use Groupdesk’s Transactions Dashboard to display the Total Quantity, Sum, and Total Amount of your transactions in a specific period of time.
Total Sum Cleared
Total Paid
Vendor Commision
Extra Payment
Insurance Payment
Total Refunds
Extra Refund
Returned Refund
Total Spent
Vendor Payment
Total Sum Not Received
Total Sum Pending
Form of Payment
Booking Status
Date Created – Start
Date Create – End
Transaction Date – Start
Transaction Date – End
*Mandatory Field
Refers back to the definitions of our Transactions Statuses
We have introduced this Dashboard so that Users can easily view Trip Records in Calendar form.
Trips Display on the Calendar with the same departure date as on the Trip record and the same end date that the duration field on the trip uses to calculate the end date (based on Inventory Nights field).
Trip Year
Trip Type
Program Period
Trip Code
Trip Calendar Results will Display:
Trip Name
Number of Travelling & Non-Travelling Passengers
Travelling Bookings numbers will appear in a green icon and Non- Travelling Bookings in a red icon.
If there are too many results to display on one day, a # More Trips will display at the bottom of that date. When clicked, this will expand to show the other trips.
# More Trips
Clicking on the trip name, or number of travelling/non-travelling bookings will take you to that Trip record.